Change the Conversation.
Control the Narrative.
Bernie’s Lesson in message control:
“The question we should really be asking is....”
Don’t respond to their frame (cost of taking action). Change the question to your own frame (cost of doing nothing) and answer that.
Here's Bernie pivoting to control the narrative:
"Some people — including my colleagues in the Senate — will say, "Well, Bernie, how can we afford to act on climate change?" The question we should really be asking is how can we afford to do nothing while climate change causes more destruction and human suffering? The scientists have said very clearly that if we do not act boldly within the next few years to transition to energy efficiency and sustainable energy, the planet we leave our kids and future generations will be increasingly unhealthy and uninhabitable. I wish I could say we could address our climate crisis with a few tweaks at the edges. But I cannot say that. Now more than ever, we need Congress to have the courage to act boldly to effectively address the existential threat of climate change. We can meet the challenges of this moment AND create millions of jobs in the process. These jobs will be good-paying jobs building the new electric cars and high-speed rail systems that we need, weatherizing millions of homes and buildings, rebuilding our nation's infrastructure, and generating sustainable energy. During this difficult time in American history, we must not turn to despair. Now is the time to fundamentally rethink our national priorities and imagine the kind of country that we want to become. That means ending the disgrace of the fossil fuel industry destroying the planet to make a profit. If we are going to save our planet for future generations, now is not the time to think small."